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Free resources provided by In The Image come directly from our kind and compassionate community. Amazing things can happen when we work together to support our neighbors in need!

Your church, workplace, neighborhood, family, troop, or group can make a difference in the lives of others.

Hosting a Donation Drive is a fun, simple, and rewarding experience for all ages and all types of groups.

Get started giving back today! 


Once your group has determined what type of drive to host, connect with In The Image by filling out the form below. Our Volunteer Coordinator will work with you from start to finish and is available to answer questions, share helpful tips, provide you with donation boxes, and help get your donations in the hands and homes of those who need them most.


Don't just give a handout, give a hand up to a struggling neighbor. When groups work together to collect items, we see profound impact in our community. Set a deadline and a goal, and see what you can accomplish by working together! 


Thoughtful donations of baby basics, personal hygiene items, and school supplies ensure that our neighbors in need in West Michigan don't go without the basics often taken for granted. 


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